Resources you should check out as an absent or alienated father:
Being an active coach and helping fathers and also mothers worldwide, I have come across great experts and professionals that I highly recommend not only to my clients, but to every father out there who asks for guidance and valuable information.
Here are some links to websites or/and social media accounts that contain very valuable information and options for fathers to get help and support:
Fathers Rights UK Official by Jason Appleyard - (active partnership with Jana Herde Coaching) - based in the UK:
Jason is a McKenzie Friend and father who helps fathers and some mothers, offering first class assistance all the way through their court cases. As a father who was in and out for years to fight for his daughter, he has tons of experience and knowledge to help you out very efficiently even in cases with parental alienation. Check out this website to see the services available in partnership with my coaching assistance.
Baby out of wedlock by Jim and Jessica Braz - based in the US:
Jim and Jessica have published a very practical book on the subject and their website contains very useful information every unmarried or separated-divorced parent should check out. They are present on social media so you can follow their activity (their book is available on Amazon).
Brainwashing Children by John Steinbeck - based in Texas, US, supporting people globally:
John has published an excellent book with the same title, taking you through his first hand experience with parental alienation from a fathers view. John Steinbeck is active on social media and shares helpful content on a daily basis (his book is available on Amazon).
Fathers rights and resources / #howigotcustody by James Christianson - based in the Seattle area, US, offers great educational content daily:
James is a father who won sole custody of his daughter 20 years ago without a lawyer. Today he is an expert on helping fathers get a fair outcome in court, specially in cases of alienation or divorce where lawyers failed to get a fair result for father and child. He is passionate and very straight forward with his work.
The fathers Truth by Alan Donovan - based in Montana, US, operating internationally:
Alan is an outstanding father who assists fathers in several countries offering effective advice, support and help. He has first hand experience in court and custody cases and actively speaks out about fathers rights. Check out his social media accounts and website if you need high quality assistance for your case.
Fantastic Fathers - based in Windsor, Ontario CA:
Fantastic Fathers is a non profit organization committed to raise awareness and offer active support to families. In their own words, part of their mission is “To encourage, promote and support mothers and fathers being fully involved in their children’s growth and development”. They organize life events and activities and are present on facebook and twitter. Check out their website for more!